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Success Through Visualization

21. February 2022

It takes more than physical skill to be successful. The capacity to produce top performances at exactly the right moment and to think clearly under pressure is essential. Mental training helps to increase awareness of your actions, and to stabilize and strengthen on a physical, emotional, and mental level. It addresses your own conviction of your ability to master challenges.…

Six principles of successful sportspeople

What do successful athletes do differently? How much of it is talent? What external factors are involved and how important is the correct mindset for success? Leading experts and coaches around the world repeatedly come to the same conclusions on these questions: personal success depends on a huge extend on ourselves. And that’s great news, if you think about it!…

Perfektionismus richtig einsetzen

The optimal dose of perfectionism

19. August 2020

Perfectionism is not just good or bad. A perfectionist person is often ambitious and pays attention to detail. If you are a perfectionist person, you may continuously challenge yourself to progress and becoming the best version of yourself– that’s not a bad thing at all. Being focussed, but open to criticism helps you succeed at whatever your goals are. That’s…

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